
About the project

Conference “Revolution Art”
In 1990-2000 a series of eastern European countries that have an experience of totalitarism in their history, made revolutional social transformation in the purpose of Civil society development. In all countries that have chosen the democratic path of development, those change accompanied by changes in social structure of power: a little bit where this process has passed almost unnoticed, but in some countries it was accompanied by massive protests and gained revolutionary features. Formed Czechoslovakia was first who showed revolution without blood in 1989. In the same year as a result of revolutionary events changed socio-political order in Poland, Romania and Hungary. Later the parade of sovereignty of the former Soviet republics led to the formation of new states. But neither in Ukraine nor in Georgia, nor in Russia and in Moldova was no principle rotation of power and newly old party functionaries led the country. In these countries, as well as in Romania and Serbia in the new government reluctantly resorted to the reforms, and in some cases even slightly inhibited preferred nomenclature transformed post-totalitarian-party system. Inefficiency of state administration and the desire for real, not declarative reforms led to an explosion in the 2000's by new wave of "velvet revolutions" in Georgia, Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova. In some countries was a real change of state power and geopolitical orientations (example of Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova), some - like Belarus - revolution was defeated early began. However, the success of revolution not in all cases mean a real change in the socio-political system and commitment to radical social reforms. In particular, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine resulted in significant socio-political transformation and ultimately led to victory in the recent election of the forces against which was directed in 2004.
All the revolutions that were started at the end of the last millennium united in common: they were an attempt to overthrow a totalitarian or post totalitarian government, which held under the control of public life. The absence of independent media, dominance of propaganda, sociological fraud - all those factors helped a totalitarian government to stand firmly on his feet. Under these conditions, art took the functions of free media and aired socially important, revolutionary ideas, using specific artistic language. Art was in transition societies zone of freedom, which occurred, and were broadcast outside and discussed new ideas for transformation in society. It appeared in the art of public authorities, opinion leaders that were bold and unbiased critical evaluation of extant at the time powerCreative ideas are analyzed and transformed the social and political reforms were spread in the community and offered an alternative system of values. An esthetic potential of freedom, which is art itself, transformed potential in public and helped overthrow a totalitarian government.
The Conference
Two-day conference will gather in Kyiv artists, art critics, journalists, critics of the post-revolutionary countries: Sweden, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Belarus to exchange experience on the functioning of art as an alternative media in post-totalitarian and transition. Experience art and public organizations and movements Krasnolyudkiv (Poland), PORA, REP (Ukraine), BIZON, young FRONT (Belarus), KMARA (Georgia) OTPOR (Serbia), which joined the overthrow of totalitarian or undemocratic regimes in their countries, will considered as a revolutionary experience and artistic activities that caused the fundamental socio-political changes in Central and Eastern Europe. Scientific and artistic reflection of the revolutionary events will determine the universal art methodology and tactics in the transition. With the conference speakers from Central Europe where the revolution led to the most significant changes will share their experiences with the Eastern European countries where the revolution or failed, or were left unfinished project. The conference will also be a platform to share experiences on the critical period of reflection totalitarianism: the experience of creation of museums and occupation of totalitarianism in Central Europe will be useful for post-Eastern states. The choice between revolution and evolution for many former Soviet countries remain highly relevant.
Why Ukraine?
Ukraine - the largest country in Europe, where have been most popular "velvet revolution", but the Ukrainian project of the revolution is still unfinished, pending or even objected at all. Ukraine is a country that suffered of totalitarianism more than other formed USSR-countries, and therefore retained most features that characterize the totalitarian regime. However, the reasons that triggered the Orange Revolution in Ukraine is still not resolved, because there still remains a revolutionary situation, and under pressure on the media Art again become an alternative media that provides critical view of governmental institutions. In the case of censorship existed in Ukraine, Art by itself with a specific code language becomes available source aesthetically-encoded, but socially important information, which offers alternative officially promoted the principles that have significant socio-change. Art as the most sensitive social institutions capable of responding to the slightest hints of curtailing democracy and oppose them. This peculiarity of art is incredibly important now, when in Ukraine under threat posed conquest of democracy and socio-political transformation of the last five years.